Do cellphones belong in schools

Do cellphones belong in school is an article talking about rather cellphones should belong in schools or not, schools nowadays, 79.3 percent of all students own a cellphone, they say technology changes the world and how students use technology (cellphones and other electronics) correctly to help them in schools. Some teachers say it’s a distraction for the students to have a cellphone with the students all times. Cellphones are useful, they keep you in touch with your family and friends. IF kids use them well they can use them to reach their parents and their parents can keep track with their kids. However, there are disadvantages to using a cellphone. When kids use them too much some kids find it really hard to wake up in the morning the go to school in time, or they might experience major depression and hard to focus. When a kid uses cellphones too much it can also cause eye damage or eye tiring.  All the downsides of using too much cellphone are every effective to what you do and how you do in school. Some teachers still want kids to use cellphones to help the kids study under the supervision, for example using the phone to videotape a science experiment then posting it on a science lab report, there are also apps to help students operate and use their phone well like “Offtime” or “Moment”.

Question 1. phones first appeared in market places in the 1980s.

Question 3. way for features came out it became more helpful than just be able to call, the size became smaller for easier travel ability.


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